

Our teachers are working artists who love to teach. Read their stories and be inspired. , Contact them by email below.

Picture of Tyler Alessi

Music Department

Tyler Alessi

Vocal Music
Picture of Javier Alvarez

Art Department

Javier Alvarez

Picture of Billy Arcila

Music Department

Billy Arcila

Guitar Studies
Picture of Bruce Babad

Music Department

Bruce Babad

Jazz Studies
Picture of Aram Barsamian

Music Department

Aram Barsamian

Applied Program, Vocal Music and Opera Studies
Picture of Steven Biggs

Theatre Arts Department

Steven Biggs

Picture of Marian Bodnar

Music Department

Marian Bodnar

Vocal Music
Picture of Colin Bressie

Theatre Arts Department

Colin Bressie

Picture of Markus Burger

Music Department

Markus Burger

Music Technology Studies
Picture of Melissa Caldretti

Theatre Arts Department

Melissa Caldretti

Picture of Kelly Capps

Art Department

Kelly Capps

Picture of Samantha Carroll

Art Department

Samantha Carroll

Picture of Teryn Carter

Music Department

Teryn Carter

Vocal Jazz Studies
Picture of Clara Cheng-Stosch

Music Department

Clara Cheng-Stosch

Collaborative Artist
Picture of Seung-Jai Chung

Music Department

Seung-Jai Chung

Picture of Candice Clasby

Theatre Arts Department

Candice Clasby

Picture of Kevin Clowes

Theatre Arts Department

Kevin Clowes

Picture of Matthew Cook

Music Department

Matthew Cook

Picture of Vonn Cummings-Sumner

Art Department

Vonn Cummings-Sumner

Picture of Jordan Curcuruto

Music Department

Jordan Curcuruto

Picture of Deborah Davidson

Art Department

Deborah Davidson

Picture of Megan Debin

Art Department

Megan Debin

Picture of Nicola Dedmon

Music Department

Nicola Dedmon

Choral Studies and Vocal Music
Picture of Philip Dimitriadis

Art Department

Philip Dimitriadis

Picture of Michelle Do

Theatre Arts Department

Michelle Do

Picture of Michelle Don Vito

Art Department

Michelle Don Vito

Picture of Dustin Donahue

Music Department

Dustin Donahue

Picture of James Dowdalls

Art Department

James Dowdalls

Picture of Allison Eversoll

Theatre Arts Department

Allison Eversoll

Picture of Carla Falb

Art Department

Carla Falb

Picture of Ed Foster

Art Department

Ed Foster

Picture of Mathew Galasso

Music Department

Mathew Galasso

General Education and Piano Studies
Picture of Jerry Garvin

Music Department

Jerry Garvin

General Education
Picture of Doc Goldstein

Music Department

Doc Goldstein

Music Technology
Picture of Manuel Gonzalez

Art Department

Manuel Gonzalez

Picture of Mario Gonzalez

Music Department

Mario Gonzalez

Recording and Music Technology
Picture of Cynthia Grilli

Art Department

Cynthia Grilli

Picture of Samuel Grodin

Music Department

Samuel Grodin

Collaborative Artist and Piano Studies
Picture of Frank Guthrie

Art Department

Frank Guthrie

Picture of Michael Hanson

Art Department

Michael Hanson

Picture of Zachary Harless

Theatre Arts Department

Zachary Harless

Department Chair
Picture of William Hayner

Art Department

William Hayner

Picture of Joan Heim

Art Department

Joan Heim

Picture of Mark Henderson

Art Department

Mark Henderson

Picture of Carol Henke

Art Department

Carol Henke

Gallery Director
Picture of William Henke

Art Department

William Henke

Picture of Josephine Ho

Theatre Arts Department

Josephine Ho

Picture of Dawn Huxley

Art Department

Dawn Huxley

Picture of Dolores Jenerson-madden
Picture of Robin Johnson

Art Department

Robin Johnson

Picture of Cory Johnson

Music Department

Cory Johnson

Theory and Composition
Picture of Matt Johnson

Music Department

Matt Johnson

Picture of Janet Kao

Music Department

Janet Kao

Collaborative Artist
Picture of Phillip Keen

Music Department

Phillip Keen

Brass Studies
Picture of Lena Kim

Music Department

Lena Kim

Collaborative Artist
Picture of Soh-Ra Kim

Music Department

Soh-Ra Kim

Picture of Susan Kinsey

Music Department

Susan Kinsey

Vocal Music
Picture of Stephen Klippenstein

Art Department

Stephen Klippenstein

Picture of Monica Lee

Music Department

Monica Lee

Piano Studies
Picture of Igor Len

Music Department

Igor Len

Music Technology
Picture of Grant Linsell

Fine Arts Department

Grant Linsell

Picture of David Lopez

Music Department

David Lopez

Applied Program, Instrumental Music and Theory & Composition
Picture of Cristina Lord

Music Department

Cristina Lord

Music Technology and Theory & Composition
Picture of JR  Luker

Theatre Arts Department

JR Luker

Picture of Matthew Lyon Hazzard

Music Department

Matthew Lyon Hazzard

Picture of Hassaan Mahmood

Art Department

Hassaan Mahmood

Picture of Michael Matsumoto

Art Department

Michael Matsumoto

Picture of Krystle Menendez

Music Department

Krystle Menendez

Vocal Music
Picture of Allen Menton

Music Department

Allen Menton

Theory and Composition
Picture of Stephen Metzger

Art Department

Stephen Metzger

Picture of Kristin Mihaylovich

Art Department

Kristin Mihaylovich

Picture of William Mittler

Theatre Arts Department

William Mittler

Picture of Anthony Moreno

Theatre Arts Department

Anthony Moreno

Picture of Michael Mueller

Theatre Arts Department

Michael Mueller

Picture of Brian Murray

Art Department

Brian Murray

Picture of Kathleen Nauer

Art Department

Kathleen Nauer

Picture of Steven Newbold

Music Department

Steven Newbold

Theroy and Composistion
Picture of Miguel Paredes

Theatre Arts Department

Miguel Paredes

Picture of Yoon Jae  Park

Music Department

Yoon Jae Park

Picture of Irene  Park

Music Department

Irene Park

Collaborative Artist
Picture of Soo Jung Park

Music Department

Soo Jung Park

Picture of Sun Park

Music Department

Sun Park

Piano Studies
Picture of Jaime Perez

Art Department

Jaime Perez

Picture of Steven Pliska

Theatre Arts Department

Steven Pliska

Picture of Daniel Pope

Art Department

Daniel Pope

Picture of Scott Ragotskie

Music Department

Scott Ragotskie

Music Technology
Picture of Eric Ray

Music Department

Eric Ray

Guitar Studies
Picture of Marc Riley

Music Department

Marc Riley

Theory and Composition
Picture of Luis Rodriguez


Luis Rodriguez

Picture of Luis Rosalebron

Music Department

Luis Rosalebron

Picture of Damian Ross

Art Department

Damian Ross

Picture of Brittany Ryan

Art Department

Brittany Ryan

Picture of Sarah Sandvig

Theatre Arts Department

Sarah Sandvig

Picture of Cheryl Savala

Art Department

Cheryl Savala

Picture of Aubrey Saverino

Theatre Arts Department

Aubrey Saverino

Picture of Nanci Schrieber-Smith

Art Department

Nanci Schrieber-Smith

Picture of Michael Scott

Music Department

Michael Scott

Jazz Studies, Applied Music and GuitarDepartment Chair
Picture of Gabriel Sears

Music Department

Gabriel Sears

Brass Studies
Picture of Jersten Seraile

Theatre Arts Department

Jersten Seraile

Picture of Michael Sheehan

Art Department

Michael Sheehan

Picture of Jamie Shew

Music Department

Jamie Shew

Berklee College of Music Advisor
Applied Music, Choral and Vocal Jazz
Picture of Juliea Shriver

Art Department

Juliea Shriver

Picture of Jeremy Siskind

Music Department

Jeremy Siskind

Piano Studies
Picture of Jojo Siu

Theatre Arts Department

Jojo Siu

Picture of Todd Smith

Art Department

Todd Smith

Picture of Linda Southwell

Art Department

Linda Southwell

Picture of Carl Stanaway

Art Department

Carl Stanaway

Department Chair
Picture of Katy  Streeter

Theatre Arts Department

Katy Streeter

Picture of Tara Tavonatti

Art Department

Tara Tavonatti

Picture of Frans Tedja Kusuma

Art Department

Frans Tedja Kusuma

Picture of Scott Tibbs

Music Department

Scott Tibbs

Music Technology
Picture of John Tomlinson

Music Department

John Tomlinson

Music Technology
Picture of Michele Van Ry

Art Department

Michele Van Ry

Picture of Marshall Vandruff

Art Department

Marshall Vandruff

Picture of Susanna Vaughan

Theatre Arts Department

Susanna Vaughan

Picture of Megumi Wallech

Art Department

Megumi Wallech

Picture of Joe Weatherly

Art Department

Joe Weatherly

Picture of Chad Willis

Music Department

Chad Willis

Brass Studies and Theory & Composition
Picture of Darren Wilsey

Music Department

Darren Wilsey

Picture of Zun Hin Woo

Music Department

Zun Hin Woo

Instrumental and Strings