ART: Art

ART 090 F Advanced Topics in Art

3 Units

Advisory: 3-6 units of commercially related art or computer graphics courses, or professional equivalent

18-54 hours lecture and 18-162 hours lab per term. This course is designed to address new and emerging topics and trends and technology in Commercial Art and Design, as well as to provide personal growth to students in a variety of Art and computer graphics lab courses. This course will be offered in modules of advanced topics. Unit credit may range from 1 to 3 units per module. Consult the class schedule to verify topic areas and credit offered for each topic.

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 100 F Fundamentals of Art

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This introductory course investigates the visual elements and principles of art through lectures, reading, films and hands-on experience. It also examines, in the same manner, historical styles and themes in art as well as materials and techniques. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 118 F Color Theory

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to fundamentals of color theory through lecture and applied exercises in paint and collage. Includes discussion of cultural differences in color symbolism and the historical development of conceptual models of color usage in both science and art. Theoretical focus will be on the 12 color system of color organization with emphasis on the color theories of Itten and Albers. The lab exercises focus on practical applications of color theory in the visual arts professions. The course concludes with an introduction to digital color as used in computer graphics. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE (C-ID: ARTS 270)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 120 F Basic Design

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is an introduction to strategies and techniques for crafting, selecting and arranging visual elements in order to create artwork that engages the viewer. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 121 F Three-Dimensional Design

3 Units

Advisory: ART 120 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to three-dimensional design. This course defines the contrast of three-dimensional form to the two-dimensional format. The focus is on composition of a 360 degree form, in materials selected to best depict this contrast. This course involves the use of hand tools and some power equipment. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE (C-ID: ARTS 101)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 123 F Business Practices in Art

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course examines the basic business and professional practices needed to begin or continue a career in the visual arts. The class will require portfolio presentation, creation of resume and self-promotional pieces in addition to an understanding of proposals, contracts, and personal business practices. Also, a personal business notebook is to be kept by the students for future use. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 127 F Beginning Floral Painting (formerly Applied Painting - Floral)

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 188 F or ART 189 F, with a grade of C or better.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course emphasizes realism as it applies to form, value and color. Students will learn the fundamentals of color harmony and structure; work is from nature, still life and photography in various painting media. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 128 F Portrait Painting

2 Units

Advisory: ART 129 F or ART 186 F and ART 189 F.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will offer the student the opportunity to develop portraiture through schematic studies and observational methods using models and plaster busts. Representational observation of facial features and varied facial types and expressions will be developed into portrait painting. Costume, setting, color harmony and historical and contemporary portraiture concepts to be studied. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 129 F Portrait Drawing

2 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 186 F

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is a basic course in portrait drawing based upon the study of the human head. Facial structure and the representation of many types of people in various art media are explored. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 130 F Intermediate Portrait Drawing

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 129 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course covers the advanced study of portrait drawing through schematic studies and observational methods using models and plaster busts. Costume, setting, historical and contemporary portraiture concepts will be studied. Observation of facial features and varied facial types and expressions will be developed. (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 131 F Introduction to Printmaking

3 Units

Advisory: ART 120 F or ART 182 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides experience with materials and processes involved in non-toxic approaches to relief, intaglio, screen-print and lithography, including the exploration of digital print processes. Designed to encourage graphic creativity and professional skill in the development of plates and their printing augmented by an awareness of traditional and contemporary methods and styles. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: ARTS 220)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 132 F Intermediate Printmaking

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 131 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides students with an opportunity to build skills and expand the knowledge and experience with materials and processes of a variety of printmaking procedures that was initiated in the first semester of Printmaking. Emphasis and concentration is on creating an edition of prints. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 134 F Serigraphy - Screenprint

3 Units

Advisory: ART 1210 F or DART 100 F

Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. 36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides experience with materials and processes involved in water-based, non-toxic approaches to multi-color screen printing. This course is designed to encourage graphic creativity and professional skill in the development of screen prints on paper augmented by an awareness of traditional and contemporary methods and styles. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 136 F Relief Printmaking

3 Units

Advisory: ART 120 F or ART 131 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides experience with materials and processes involved in approaches to various relief-print techniques in wood, linoleum, and letterpress. Designed to encourage graphic creativity and professional skill in the development of print blocks and their printing augmented by an awareness of traditional and contemporary methods and styles. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 137 F Basic Drawing for Entertainment Arts

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of representational drawing focusing on entertainment art preparation. Media used may include pencil, colored pencil, markers, watercolor, and mixed media. This course has class field trips dedicated for out-of-class sketchbook requirements emphasizing drawing from life by observing people, plants and architecture. This course is designed for art majors who have an interest in pursuing illustration and entertainment art courses. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 139 F Fashion Sketching

2 Units

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is designed for the student interested in a fashion career or the graphic design or illustration major wanting to develop fashion sketching skills. The course will include refinement of basic skills in drawing of the clothed figure as well as rendering of fabrics and patterns. Media used includes graphite, ink, marking pens, charcoal, colored pencils, photocopy, and mixed media. Development of a personal sketching style will be encouraged. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 143 F Basic Drawing for Entertainment Arts - Drawing from the Imagination

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 137 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course applies the fundamentals of representational drawing and form, focusing on drawing and designing from the imagination, to complete industry level assignments. This course is designed for art majors who have an interest in pursuing careers in animation and entertainment art design. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 144 F Fundamentals of Cartooning

2 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F or ART 179 F

This course is an introduction to basic cartooning techniques and includes sketching, inking, and the development of characters. Projects include gag line cartooning, political cartooning, and the development of a weekly cartoon strip. In addition, there will be an analysis of the elements of both the humorous and the dramatic in cartoon art. This analysis will include a review of historically significant Sunday funnies and comic book characters, as well as an examination of major trends in comic art from 1895 to the present. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 152 F Ceramics Lab

1 Unit

Corequisite(s): ART 153 F with a grade of C or better.

54 hours lab per term. This course provides students with an opportunity to work in the ceramics lab doing studio ceramics' activities including handbuilding techniques, slab, coil, pinch construction, glaze preparation and application, throwing on the potter's wheel, sculptural and combined building techniques and other studio activities. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass only. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 153 F Ceramics: Beginning Handbuilding (formerly ART 150AF)

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is a survey course dealing with three-dimensional design in clay as an entry into appreciation of the creative process and its physical execution using ceramic hand building techniques. Emphasis is placed on imagining, designing, creating, and evaluating vessel and sculptural form, using the coil, slab and pinch processes, and on textural and sculptural embellishment of surface. In addition, review of historical and traditional models, glazes, and firing are included. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 154 F Ceramics: Beginning Throwing

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 153 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is primarily about developing skill and technique in the use of the potter's wheel to create and finish controlled standard hollow forms. The class also includes an introduction to design, decoration, and glazing of wheel-thrown utilitarian forms, and basic technology of clay, glazes and firing. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 155 F Intermediate Ceramics

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 153 F or ART 154 F, with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will offer the student more in-depth knowledge and refined skills in the study of hand building and/or wheel throwing techniques, design of forms, and surface decoration. Kiln operation is also emphasized. Development of further skills, knowledge, and conceptual ability is accomplished through individually determined projects. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 156 F Animal Drawing

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F

54 hours lecture per term. This course covers the principles and practices of classical animal drawing skills, including comparative anatomy, form construction, gesture and motion. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 157 F Sketching for Animators and Illustrators

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 186AF

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is designed to enable the art student who wishes to develop drawing skills in the commercial fields of animation and/or illustration through focused study on quick sketch visualization, expressive anatomy, freehand perspective, character and storyboard development. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 160 F Fundamentals of Sculpture

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an examination of sculpture as a vehicle for social, political and cultural expression. Students are introduced to sculpture including basic concepts, materials, techniques, and terminology. This course focuses on modeling, casting, mold-making, and basic fabrication. This course is appropriate for the beginning student and those with limited sculpture experience. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 161 F Advanced Sculpture

3 Units

Advisory: ART 160 F.

36 hours lecture and analysis and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the support processes of sculpture, to expand the development of techniques, materials and processes. Class requirements are arranged by contract to allow a wide diversity of projects. Emphasis is on development of individual style and the ability to plan and direct a semester of sculpture. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 162 F Sculpture Cast Metal - Beginning

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the lost wax bronze casting process. This course includes wax model production and mold making. Metal chasing and patination complete the cast bronze sculpture. In consecutive semesters, the complexity of the projects require alternative skills, techniques, and materials. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 163 F Sculpture Open Studio

1 Unit

Corequisite(s): Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in any of these 3-Dimensional courses: ART 121 F or ART 160 F or ART 161 F or ART 162 F or ART 164 F or ART 173 F or ART 174 F or ART 175 F or ART 176 F or ART 185 F or ART 262 F or ART 273 F or ART 274 F or ART 275 F or ART 276 F or ART 278 F or ART 285 F with a grade of C or better.

54 hours lab per term. This course gives access to the sculpture facility and equipment to work on new or ongoing projects. Activities include independently furthering technical development, exploring diverse sculptural media, and developing personal subject matter. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 164 F Sculpture: Metal Fabrication

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the support processes of sculpture and is designed to expand student development of sculptured techniques, materials and processes. This course will focus on basic techniques and processes used for fabricating metal sculpture. An historical examination of sculpture as a vehicle for social, political and cultural expression. This course is not a substitute for any welding course. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 166 F Contemporary Art Studio

3 Units

Advisory: Any art studio course or art history course with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the practices of contemporary art, including approaches to painting, sculpture, installation art, performance art, video, sound, and digital technologies. Students use traditional and digital processes to create works of art. This course is designed for Art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 170 F Sketching for Animators and Illustrators- Visual Development

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 157 F and ART 182 F with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 135 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is designed to introduce the student to the visual development workflow of production for animated feature films. Visual development artists are responsible for establishing the look and feel of a movie before it begins production. Visual development combines the highest level of design encompassing environments, characters, props and staging. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 173 F Jewelry Casting

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to basic concepts and techniques in designing and casting jewelry including reproduction techniques and wax models. The focus of this course is on originality in fine art jewelry design, relating to contemporary and historical design. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 174 F Beginning Jewelry Fabrication

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the concepts and techniques in the design and construction of jewelry and small metal objects. Fabrication techniques will require the cutting, forming, and soldering techniques of sheet metal. The focus of this course is on original design of fine art jewelry in precious metals. (Degree Credit) (CSU) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 175 F Intermediate Jewelry Fabrication

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 174 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This class builds on skills and information gained in ART 174 F with refined concepts and techniques in the design and construction of jewelry and metal objects using cutting, forming and soldering. The focus of this course is on original design for fine art jewelry. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 176 F Stained Glass

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the stained glass process, including the basics of designing and constructing both two and three-dimensional stained glass projects using the "Tiffany Foil" technique and other cold glass processes such as mosaic and lamp building. Project emphasis will be in the design and fabrication of residential and commercial pieces. Other topics include overlay, sandblasting, fusing, and three dimensional and large scale projects. Production hours outside of class time are required. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 179 F Drawing for Non-Art Majors

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is a beginning, introductory course in traditional drawing techniques with an emphasis on representational drawing. Students will use a limited variety of media, including graphite and charcoal. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 180 F Rendering

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. The main objective of this class is creating the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional drawing surface. The lectures cover the basics of the visual perception of space, and the artistic techniques based on it. Rendering topics include explanations of the surface qualities of various materials, and the accurate depiction of the materials' interaction with light. Basics of perspective drawing will also be covered in this course. This course also meets student needs in advertising, illustration, and industrial design. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 181 F Drawing from the Masters

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 186 F.

54 hours lecture per term. This course covers working methods and media of master draftsmen from previous centuries. There is an emphasis on analyzing and copying master drawings in a variety of media. Further emphasis is placed on the traditional approach to drawing as practiced by masters such as Durer, Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael, Rubens and others. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 182 F Basic Drawing

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of representational drawing. Media used may include pencil, ink, charcoal, conte, pastels, watercolor, and mixed media. This course is designed for art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE (C-ID: ARTS 110)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 183 F Representational Drawing

3 Units

Advisory: ART 127 F or ART 182 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a study in contemporary and traditional realism in the area of drawing. Media may include pencil, ink, charcoal, conte, pastel, watercolor, and/or mixed media. This course is recommended for Art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 184 F Expressive Drawing

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 186 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course surveys a variety of drawing styles introduced by artists whose mark making itself communicates emotion, whether or not recognizable objects are depicted. Starting with Van Gogh and continuing through German Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism, the course leads toward the development of a personal, contemporary drawing style. Media covered include ink, pastel, watercolor, collage and mixed media. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 185 F Life Sculpture

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to figurative sculpture with emphasis on accurate anatomical training in sculpture. This course is designed to develop an understanding of the human form, this course focuses on structure, gesture and detail. The skeleton, plaster casts, and the life model are used in this process. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 186 F Beginning Life Drawing

3 Units

Advisory: ART 137 F or ART 182 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introductory course in drawing from the human figure. Course emphasis is on the development of a basic understanding of structure, anatomy and movement. The focus of this course is on accurate anatomical study, through continued use of the skeleton and life models. Required for all art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE (C-ID: ARTS 200)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 187 F Watercolor for Non-Art Majors

2 Units

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an introductory course in watercolor painting with emphasis on a wide variety of traditional and contemporary techniques and skills. Creative self-expression is encouraged using the themes of still life, landscape and figurative. Media includes both transparent and opaque watercolor and related materials. Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.(Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 188 F Beginning Watercolor Painting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will provide an understanding of the structure, techniques, and vocabulary of transparent watercolor painting as well as encourage the student to develop conceptual, perceptual, and technical knowledge of all the design elements. A variety of traditional and contemporary methods are presented through demonstration, lecture, videotapes, individual instruction, critiques and class discussions. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 189 F Beginning Painting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 118 F and ART 182 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to materials and techniques of painting. The focus is on using observational skills to render basic objects using value, textures and principals of design. Students are developing elementary skills of painting as a means of self-expression. This course is required for art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE (C-ID: ART 210)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 190 F Beginning Landscape Painting (formerly titled Applied Landscape)

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 188 F or ART 189 F, with a grade of C or better.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is designed to provide students with the latest ideas in the study of landscape painting. Students will learn to paint landscapes, using oil or watercolor. Students will investigate landscape painting, both classic and contemporary approaches, using a variety of painting techniques. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 194 F Studio Painting Lab

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 189 F with a grade of C or better.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course provides the opportunity for the painting student to work on new or ongoing projects. Painting activities include improving skill level, furthering technical development, exploring diverse media, developing personal subject matter and style. Open Entry/Open Exit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 195 F Anatomical Drawing

3 Units

Advisory: ART 137 F or ART 182 F.

54 hours lecture per term. The course explains and demonstrates how a specific area of the human body is constructed, how it moves and how it looks in different positions. The emphasis is on breaking the figure down into manageable components and learning to draw their three-dimensionality. There is an added emphasis on copying and analyzing a variety of anatomical studies to compile a notebook representing all of the components of the figure. This class serves the needs of the student in drawing, painting and sculpting the human figure. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 197 F Mural and Faux Painting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F or ART 189 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is an introductory course in which the fundamentals of faux (fake) finishes and mural painting will be explored. Students will learn how to execute a variety of finishes and create murals, how to bid jobs and how to work with a variety of materials. (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 201 F Intermediate Painting

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 189 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation of the study of painting techniques and media. Emphasis is on color theory, including use of color harmonies and creating atmospheric perspective. Recommended for art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 202 F Advanced Painting I

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 201 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation in the study of painting techniques and media for the advanced student. This course is a study of painting problems including: traditional and contemporary painting composition and methods with an emphasis on concept. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 203 F Advanced Painting II

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 202 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is a course in painting for advanced level students. Students will continue to build skills, including mastering their craft and techniques. Students will also develop competent skills in conveying challenging concepts and build a personal body of work. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 207 F Intermediate Mural and Faux Painting

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 197 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation of the study of mural painting techniques. Emphasis is on color, including use of color harmonies, rendering objects and perspective. Recommended for art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 208 F Intermediate Watercolor

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 188 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation of development of watercolor techniques and processes. Emphasis is placed on understanding color and more complicated textures. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 209 F Intermediate Landscape Painting

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 190 F with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 188 F.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is designed to provide students with expanded and in-depth studies of landscape painting as a continuation from ART 190 F. Students will learn to paint using transparent and opaque painting methods from direct observations using a variety of painting techniques. Students will learn techniques of handling landscape painting in oil, watercolor, or gouache. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 210 F Life Painting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 186 F and ART 189 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to painting the human figure, nude and clothed. The emphasis is on realistic representation of the human form in oils and/or acrylic paint, using structure, color, value, lighting and composition. Historical and contemporary uses of the figure in art as well as various styles of painting will be explored. (Degree Credit) (CSU) AA GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 214 F Perspective and Staging for Storyboarding

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 137 F or ART 182 F, with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 243 F, DART 100 F and DART 107 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is designed to prepare and equip the art student with a functional understanding of draftsmanship and perspective as it relates to the staging/drawing of characters, animals, and vehicles in a perspective environment for storyboarding. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 215 F Beginning Storyboarding and Narrative Composition (formerly ART 090BF)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

54 hours lecture per term. This course is designed to equip the art student with a functional understanding of narrative composition, storytelling, sequence design, and production skills for feature film storyboarding through focused study on narrative design and illustration, script breakdowns and storyboard development and formatting. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 216 F Advanced Storyboarding and Pre-Visual Preparation

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F, ART 215 F and DART 100 F, with a grade of C or better.

54 hours lecture per term. This advanced course is designed to equip the art student with a functional understanding of storyboarding and production skills for animatic and pre-visualization for feature films, TV, animation, and video games through focused study on storyboarding with Photoshop software. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 217 F Children's Book Illustration (formerly ART 090DF)

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 186 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on a specific format: the page-by-page layout of "picture books" that give the reader an image on every page. It involves an understanding of the history, methods, and markets of children's books, and the components of illustrated children's stories. Emphasis is on developing an efficient creative process to produce a unified collection of images that serve a story in children's terms. This includes research and immersion in children's books to understand their forms, moods, themes, and styles; exercises to develop compositional and storytelling skills; and producing page layouts to be developed into finished art. This course will spotlight classic masters, deriving lessons from their work, processes and careers. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 218 F Visual Storytelling: Structure and Form

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F or portfolio review with instructor.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will introduce students to the classic structures of story and why the visual story requires unique demands and offers unique opportunities. The camera and the image reveal structure to the audience, and the form gives meaning to the events. Students will study the forms and formats of graphic novels, animations, and films, to help them create their own story works and characters to be developed into finished visual stories. This class is recommended to first semester Visual Storytelling students but can be taken at any time. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 219 F Visual Storytelling: Image and Sequence

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F or portfolio review

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to how professional visual storytellers create characters, craft story structure, design images, and assemble them in a sequence to entertain an audience. The class features analysis of master stories in visual media, and feedback on student assignments, which include developing story ideas and creating a finished image-told story "pitch" for animation or film. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 220 F Genre and Style in Entertainment Art

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and DART 100 F or portfolio review by instructor

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will introduce students to the variety of genres in entertainment and visual storytelling, to offer a broad knowledge base from which to design and develop content for global markets. This course features analysis of genre elements, visual styles, and the interplay between form and content that allows genres to evolve while keeping a consistent historical continuity. Students will research a visual story genre to trace its evolution, and develop a story premise into contrasting styles. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 221 F Staging and Scene Development

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 243 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will introduce students to the techniques of story illustrators and animators of how to create scenes that hook, compel, and satisfy an audience, using the tools that writers and actors use on stage within a pictorial frame that has unique limitations, opportunities, and dynamics. The emphasis is on individual scenes, how character objectives and emotions lead to visible action, and how to frame a scene for the camera to augment the emotional effect. Lessons will apply to a variety of styles and moods of visual stories. Assignments include analysis of master scenes, creation of original scenes, and reducing multi-panel scenes to single images. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 222 F Composition for Artists: Elements and Principles

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and DART 100 F.

54 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on how master artists evoke feeling, not from the subject matter, but from the design. We will learn how image makers create work in many different styles using basic compositional principles that guide all artistic forms. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 223 F Composition for Artists: Master Studies

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 222 F and DART 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation in the development of the lessons and principles presented in ART 222 F by focusing on a variety of compositional forms used in different eras and schools throughout art history. Students will be assigned a series of historical masterpieces to analyze by naming the elements used in the composition, and identifying the strategies used by the artist in applying the principles of unity and diversity. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 225 F Illustrating Literature

3 Units

Advisory: ART 137 F or ART 182 F and ART 243 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on adapting stories from classic literature into a unified collection of single images. Unlike graphic novel or storyboard imagery, classic book illustrations augment a story rather than tell it. This involves research and immersion in the story to understand its context, form, and themes; understanding story elements such as character crises, scenes, and beats; and image elements such as characterization, point of view, and image style. Students will develop an efficient creative process by generating multiple image options through thumbnails and comp studies before developing finished images. The course spotlights classic masters such as Gustave Dore, Edmund Dulac, Howard Pyle, N.C. Whyeth, and many others, deriving lessons from their work, processes and careers. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 236 F Intermediate Life Drawing

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 186 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate course in drawing the human figure. The course emphasis is on the refinement of basic skills, exercises and anatomy. Complex techniques and the continued use of the skeleton and life model to reinforce the technical skill and knowledge as it relates to gesture, structure and anatomy. Recommended for all art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 243 F Applied Perspective

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to the rules of perspective and demonstrate application methods applied to common projects within the field of entertainment, strengthening student draftsmanship. Instructor lectures and demonstrations will illustrate application methods governing the principles of mathematical perspective applied to drawing techniques. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 244 F Illustration

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. The lecture portion of this course covers problems of creating finished illustrations from thumbnail sketches to final art. Emphasis in this course is on illustration for printed media such as books, newspapers, and magazines, as well as conceptual design for industrial products, and illustration for the electronic entertainment, theme park, and motion picture industries. Projects are designed to prepare the student for the professional skills necessary in creating an industry appropriate portfolio of work. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 245 F Classical Cast Drawing

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 186 F.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is the study and depiction of the human head and body through the process of drawing and rendering of classical cast sculpture. Drawings will be executed in a variety of media including charcoal, colored pencil, and graphite. This course is design for Art majors. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 246 F Advanced Illustration

3 Units

Advisory: ART 244 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This advanced course presents the student with the opportunity to create an elevated and accelerated level of problem solving within the creation of finished illustrations, from thumbnail sketches to final art. Emphasis in this course is on illustration for printed media such as books, newspapers, and magazines, as well as illustration for the electronic entertainment, theme park, and motion picture industries. Projects are designed to prepare the student for the professional skills necessary in creating an industry appropriate portfolio of work. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 247 F Sketching for Animators and Illustrators - Traditional Media Techniques

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 186 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to the professional application practices of using traditional media techniques for developing artwork for the fields of entertainment. Areas of focus include rapid visualization to final art production using watercolor, markers, pen, ink, and color pencil. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 254 F Advanced Ceramics

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 155 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an advanced study of hand building and/or wheel throwing techniques, design of form, and surface decoration. Kiln operation is also emphasized. Development of refined skills, expanded knowledge, and a higher level of conceptual ability is accomplished through individually determined projects. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 258 F Tile I

3 Units

Advisory: ART 120 F and ART 153 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to ceramic tile making techniques. Emphasis is placed on tile design and its purpose, production, and finish. Multiple methods of production and decoration will be covered as well as basic setting procedures. In addition, review of historical and traditional models and their relevance to contemporary tile design and tile making will be included. (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 259 F Tile II

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 258 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an advancement into ceramic tile design and production techniques. Emphasis is placed on development of the tile designs that are more advanced in both design and finish while having the student develop a personal approach to the medium. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 260 F Tile III

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 259 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a deeper exploration into ceramic tile design and production techniques. Emphasis is placed on development of tile designs that are challenging in scope and scale while having the student hone their own personal approach to the medium. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 261 F Sculpture - Ceramics

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 153 F or ART 160 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an exploration of the methods, limitations and characteristics of various clays when used to create sculpture in the round and bas-relief. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 262 F Cast Metal: Intermediate

3 Units

Advisory: ART 162 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is designed for the student to acquire improved skills in the concepts of cast metal sculpture. Student will employ and refine skills in lost wax bronze casting process. This class includes wax model production and mold making. Metal chasing and patination complete the cast bronze sculpture. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 263 F Cast Metal: Advanced

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 262 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is an advanced course investigating the concepts of cast metal sculpture. Students will create work using the lost wax bronze casting process. This class includes wax model production and mold making. Metal chasing and patination complete the cast bronze sculpture. The complexity of the designs requires alternative skills, techniques and materials. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 264 F Cast Metal: Studio Concepts

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 263 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an advanced investigation into the concepts of cast metal sculpture. Students will employ lost wax bronze casting process. This course includes wax model production and mold making. Metal chasing and patination complete the cast bronze sculpture. In consecutive semesters, the complexity of the projects require alternative skills, techniques and materials. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 268 F Advanced Sculpture II

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 161 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is an investigation of advanced sculptural concepts with an emphasis on the development of an individual body of work. This course advances the research, execution, and artistic intention of a body of work. Class requirements are arranged by contract to allow a wide diversity of projects. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 271 F Fabrication III: Mold Making, Casting and Vacuum Forming

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course teaches both principles and practical application of mold making, casting and vacuum-forming for the reproduction of prototypes. From health and safety consideration, tools, materials and their application, students will have extensive hands-on practice, allowing them to acquire experience necessary to advance in the creative industries of their choice. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 273 F Intermediate Jewelry Casting

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This intermediate course focuses on concepts and techniques acquired in previous exercises, in the designing of wax models and casting of fine art jewelry and small objects. This course involves advanced problems in casting. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 274 F Advanced Jewelry Casting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 173 F.

36 hours of lecture and 72 hours lab (studio) per term. This advanced jewelry course focuses on concepts and techniques that are essential in refined levels of jewelry design. The progression of skills is necessary for the success of the advanced student in jewelry casting. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 275 F Studio Concepts: Jewelry Casting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 173 F

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on acquiring skills, concepts, and techniques that are essential in the highest levels of jewelry casting. This course also focuses on the development of a portfolio of design, drawings, wax models, molds and cast metal Fine Art Jewelry. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 276 F Advanced Jewelry Fabrication

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 175 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course builds on skills on previous skills, design concepts and information gained in ART 175 F. In addition to the refinement of previous skills, use of mechanically-formed components are used in combination. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 277 F Studio Concepts: Jewelry Fabrication

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 276 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on previous exercises and further emphasis is on technical skill in jewelry fabrication, development of a portfolio with presentation of jewelry designs, working drawings, renderings, and fabricated metal fine art jewelry. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 278 F Intermediate Stained Glass

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 176 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course demonstrates further progress in developing the skill of contemporary and traditional processes in cold glass within the "Tiffany Foil" techniques of overlay and sandblasting. The student will also be introduced to the hot glass processes of fusing, slumping, and glass painting. The hot glass process will include both kiln and torch work. Project emphasis will be in the design and fabrication of three dimensional and large scale projects in both hot glass and cold glass. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 280 F Rendering II

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation of the focus and skill-building of the first Rendering course. The main objective of this course is creating the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional drawing surface. The work covers the visual perception of space, and the artistic techniques based on it. Rendering topics include explanations of the surface qualities of various materials, and teh accurate depiction of the materials' interaction with light. This course also meets student needs in advertising, illustration and industrial design. Field trips may also be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 281 F Drawing from the Masters II

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 186 F.

54 hours lecture per term. This course covers working methods and media of master draftsmen from the 18th through the 21st centuries. There is an emphasis on analyzing and copying master drawings in a variety of media. Further emphasis is placed on the traditional approach to drawing as practiced by masters such as Daumier, Dgas, Goya, Sargent, Homer, and illustrators from the Golden Age of American Illustration. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 285 F Intermediate Life Sculpture

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 185 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate level course in Life Sculpture. This course is focused on a review of sculpture exercises in figurative sculpture with emphasis on refinement of accurate anatomical sculpture. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 286 F Advanced Life Drawing

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 236 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This is an advanced course in drawing the human figure, the emphasis of this course is a focused review of previous drawing exercises and the refinement of techniques. Advanced studio problems will be addressed, with historical and contemporary examples. Recommended for art majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 287 F Advanced Life Sculpture

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 285 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on previous exercises and further development of advanced skills and techniques used in the sculpting of accurate human anatomy with consistent detail. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 288 F Advanced Life Sculpture II

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 287 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course focuses on the previous exercises and further development of sculpture, skills, techniques and fine detail used in accurate human anatomy. Further development of the figure in bas-relief will be explored. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 290 F Portfolio Preparation and Artwork Presentation

3 Units

Advisory: Six units of art, design or computer graphics (DART) courses

54 hours lecture per term. This course will help studio arts and design majors in the creation of a portfolio that will assist in the transfer towards a BA or BFA university art program. Major emphasis is placed on the development of a professional portfolio and the quality of the artwork in it. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 291 F Applied Painting: Expressive

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 189 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This class surveys a variety of painting styles. Emphasis is on emotionally and expressive interpretation of an object or idea through use of color, composition and paint application. Fundamental painting skills, will be needed. Classic and contemporary approaches will be applied. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 292 F Painting: Political and Social Issues

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 189 F with a grade of C or better.

26 hours and 72 hours lab per term. This course is to give students the tools for communicating ideas, concepts, observations and opinions through painting, using style, compositions, application of paint and mixed media. Classic and contemporary approaches will be applied to this subject matter. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 293 F Painting: Narrative

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 189 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course surveys a variety of painting styles to give students the tools for communicating a narrative theme through painting. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 294 F Independent Study: Illustration

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 244 F and ART 246 F, with a grade of C or better

54-108 hours independent study per term. This independent study course is for the student who wishes to pursue a more thorough understanding of the field of Illustration through application of creative design, technical ability, and execution of craft. Instructor approval is required. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 295 F Independent Study: Painting

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 188 F or ART 201 F, with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 120 F

54-108 hours independent study per term. This course is for the advanced student who wishes to pursue painting through individual study. Instructor approval is required. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 296 F Independent Study: Museum Studies

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 122 F with a grade of C or better

54-108 hours independent study per term. This course is for students who wish to pursue museum studies through individual study. Students will pursue a more thorough understanding of the field of museum studies through application of skills to gallery and permanent collection projects. Instructor approval is required. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 297 F Independent Study: Ceramics

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 254 F or ART 260 F with a grade of C or better

54-108 hours independent study per term. This course is for students who wish to pursue ceramics through individual study. Students will plan an appropriate project or group of projects that allow greater development and understanding of the ceramic process through applied practice of the specific techniques chosen by the student. Instructor approval is required. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 298 F Arts Internship

2-4 Units

Advisory: 6-9 units of art courses which may include art history, design, studio art, business practices in art, portfolio preparation or digital art.

18 hours lecture and 54-162 hours of supervised employment, paid or unpaid internship per term. This course is designed to provide professional artistic work experience directly related to the student's area of study. This course offers career development opportunities for students and industry professionals who need to strengthen or broaden their skills. This course may be taken up to four times. Open Entry/Open Exit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ART 299 F Art Independent Study

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in at least one semester's previous work in the subject of the independent study as well as a foundation in creative design, technical ability, and execution of craft.

54-108 hours independent study per term. This course is for students who wish to pursue a particular area of art through individual study. Instructor approval is required. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC Credit Limitation)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH: Art History

ARTH 100 F Introduction to Visual Culture (formerly ART 110 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a thematic introduction to global art and visual culture. Students will explore a broad range of artistic media from pre-history to the present, including painting, sculpture, architecture, film, video, and other new media. Students will acquire analytical and interpretive skills and develop an understanding of the role of art and visual culture in human history. Classroom presentations are supplemented by gallery and museum visits. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 105 F Africa, Oceania, and Native American Art History

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course examines multicultural perspectives and intersections of the visual culture, including art and architecture, of select regions of sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: ARTH 140)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 110 F African Art and the Diaspora

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course will survey the history of African Art, and explore its influence and development in the Americas and other parts of the world, concluding with contemporary 21st century expressions in Performance Art, Sculpture, Installation, Assemblage and other media. This course will pay particular attention to African-American artists and movements. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 115 F American Art History (formerly ART 117 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of North American art from the 16th to the 20th century with a focus on multicultural and ethnically diverse art created in the United States. The course provides an overview of the visual arts from early encounters between indigenous groups and European colonizers through the formation of the United States and its emergence as a superpower after World War II. Emphasis will be placed on indigenous art, and the intersection of artworks created by immigrants from Europe, Africa, Central America, and Asia. This course satisfies the multicultural graduation requirement. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit), AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 120 F Asian Art History (formerly ART 212 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of the art and architecture of India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan from prehistory through the 21st century with a focus on multicultural perspectives. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 125 F Gender and Women in Art History (formerly ART 211 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course examines the achievements and contributions of women in the arts from a global perspective throughout history. Topics covered include patronage, gender, sexuality, and feminist theory. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 130 F Global Contemporary Art History

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course will examine the art of contemporary figures from across the globe, as well as their voices, expressions and concerns. Particular attention will be given to young and emerging artists from non-European nations; this interdisciplinary course will also examine the ways in which history, colonization, and race often inform the styles and expressions of global artists. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 135 F Latin America - Mexican Art History (formerly ART 116 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of the visual arts and architecture of ancient, colonial, modern and contemporary Mexico, with a focus on the multicultural and ethnically diverse artistic traditions of the region. From the earliest civilizations to contemporary Mexican and Chicanx art, both traditional fine arts and popular art forms are studied within their various cultural contexts. Emphasis will be placed on indigenous arts and the impacts of colonization and nationalism on the various artistic developments of Mexico. This course satisfies the multicultural graduation requirement. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class time. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 140 F Latin America - Ancient/Indigenous Art History (formerly ART 213 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of the architecture and visual arts including sculpture, painting, ceramics, and textiles of pre-Columbian Mexico, Central, North, and South America, with a focus on the multicultural and ethnically diverse artistic traditions of the region. From the earliest civilizations to the colonial period, visual culture of various indigenous groups is examined within their various cultural contexts. This course satisfies the multicultural graduation requirement. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class time. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC (C-ID: ARTH 145)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 145 F Latin America - Colonial - Contemporary Art History

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of the visual arts and architecture in Latin America from the colonial period to contemporary periods, within their cultural contexts. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class time. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 150 F Western Art History - Prehistory to 14th Century (formerly ART 112 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a study of Western art, including architecture, sculpture and painting from Prehistory through the 14th Century. Art history courses may be taken in any sequence; at least two semesters are required of art majors. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class time. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 155 F Western Art History 15th to 21st Century (formerly ART 113 F)

3 Units

Advisory: ENGL 100 F or ENGL 100HF or ENGL 101 F or ENGL 110 F

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of architecture, sculpture and painting from the 15th to the 21st century. Art history courses may be taken in any sequence; at least two semesters are required of art majors. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class time. Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 155HF Honors Western Art History 15th to 21st Century (formerly ART 113HF)

3 Units

Advisory: ENGL 100 F or ENGL 100HF or ENGL 101 F or ENGL 110 F

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of architecture, sculpture and painting from the 15th century to the 21st century. Art history courses may be taken in any sequence; at least two semesters are required of art majors. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class time. Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 160 F Western Art History - 19th to 21st Century (formerly ART 114 F)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of the development of modern architecture, sculpture and painting from their origins in the 19th century to the present. Art History courses are open to all students and may be taken in any sequence; at least two semesters are required for art history majors. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 165HF Honors Creative Arts - Art (formerly ART 196HF)

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This Honors-enhanced course explores the nature of creativity through exposure to the performing arts, literature, and the fine arts. Students will make independent investigation into the various art forms and apply aesthetic theory to discover interrelationships between genres. Students are required to attend museums, concerts and theatrical performances. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class time. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in MUS 196HF or THEA 196HF. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC Credit Limitation) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 170 F The Museum Experience (formerly ART 115 F)

3 Units

Advisory: ARTH 100 F or completion of any art history course.

54 hours lecture per term. This is a basic course in the study of museums and their collections. The course includes on-site lectures pertaining to the function of museums, the history of the art collections, the analysis and interpretation of the art in each collection, and exhibition design. (Degree Credit) (CSU) AA GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 175 F Introduction to Museum and Gallery Studies (formerly ART 122 F)

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides an introduction to gallery practices through hands-on experience installing art exhibitions in the Fullerton College Art Gallery. This course includes an introduction to the basic skills of installing art exhibitions and includes field trips to museums and galleries. Recommended for Art and Art History majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 176 F Museum Studies - Exhibition Production (formerly ART 124 F)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ARTH 175 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides increasing responsibility in exhibition planning, research, operation and management. This course introduces the creation of educational materials for the gallery visitor and the organizational structure of museums and includes field trips to museums and galleries. Recommended for Art Majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 177 F Museum Studies - Exhibition Design and Careers (formerly ART 125 F)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ARTH 176 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides an introduction to exhibition design and museum careers. This course offers an opportunity to build gallery practice skills, and develop a deeper understanding of exhibition planning, research, operation and management of the Fullerton College Art Gallery. Museum careers will also be explored. Recommended for art and art history majors. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 295 F Museum Studies Internship I

2-4 Units

18 hours lecture and 54-162 hours of supervised employment, paid or unpaid internship per term. This course is designed to provide professional work experience directly related to the student's area of study. This course offers career development opportunities for students and industry professionals who need to strengthen or broaden their skills. Open Entry/Open Exit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 296 F Museum Studies Internship II

2-4 Units

Prerequisite(s): ARTH 295 F with a grade of C or better.

18 hours lecture and 54-162 hours of supervised employment, paid or unpaid internship per term. This course will further prepare students for the next level of career exploration. Topics will include networking, interviewing skills, and expanded learning in a museum environment. Open Entry/Open Exit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 297 F Museum Studies Internship III

2-4 Units

Prerequisite(s): ARTH 296 F with a grade of C or better.

18 hours lecture and 75-225 hours of supervised employment or 60-180 hours of unpaid internship per term. This course will further prepare students for the next level of career exploration. Topics will include networking and career development. Course awards 1 unit per 75 hours of paid internship or 1 unit per 60 hours of unpaid internship. Open Entry/Open Exit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

ARTH 299 F Independent Study - Museum Studies

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): At least one semester of previous work in the subject of the independent study.

54-108 hours independent study per term. This course is for students who wish to pursue a particular area of art history/museum studies through individual study. Instructor approval is required. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART: Digital Arts

DART 100 F Introduction to Digital Art

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course teaches the fundamentals of digital media to input, create, manipulate and output a variety of images. Students learn basic skills and use a varied selection of visual arts software, while gaining insights into the basic principles of digital computers and digital graphics. Extensive hands-on use of computers and other hardware allows students to build a portfolio and acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in this field. (CSU) (Degree Credit) (C-ID: ARTS 250)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 101 F Photoshop for Digital Arts

3 Units

36 hours and 54 hours lab per term. This course teaches the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop to input, create, manipulate and output a variety of images. Students learn basic design skills and usage of the Adobe Photoshop, while gaining insights into the basic principles of digital manipulation and graphics. Extensive hands-on use of computers and other hardware allow students to build a portfolio and acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in this field. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 102 F Introduction to Web Graphics

3 Units

36 hours and 54 hours lab per term. This course is a study of page development, navigation, graphics, animation, video, and sounds media for use on the Internet. During the course of the semester, the student builds an assigned website and a personal website. This course is intended as a gateway to a web certificate. Students can pursue additional in-depth study on the topic(s) that most attracted them during the semester. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 103 F Practical Color Techniques for Digital Media

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 118 F with a grade of C or better.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course teaches the practical side of color theory concepts, from creating and outputting color images to using color-corrections to recreate the digital file. Students learn to apply their color knowledge using extensive hands-on, real-world examples, allowing students to acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in this field. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 104 F Introduction to Maya 3D

3 Units

Advisory: DART 100 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the Autodesk Maya 3D computer software, focusing upon polygonal modeling techniques. Students will combine modeling techniques with critical thinking assignments to design models for the entertainment industry. Students will also focus on learning design fundamentals by creating thumbnails, and silhouette sketching to aid in their design solutions. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 105 F Fundamentals of Digital Media Design

3 Units

Advisory: DART 100 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course introduces basic digital design concepts in the development of solutions to design problems. Topics include the design theory, drawing, color theory, typography, illustration, animation, layout techniques, vocabulary, and knowledge of appropriate digital media output formats. Final output may integrate additional media such as animation, sound, text, and video. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 106 F Intermediate Maya

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course gives the student an introduction to the intermediate use of Maya, a 3D digital program used within the entertainment/game industry to create 3D visual effects. Students will continue forward with basics learned in DART 104 F and expand their knowledge of modeling, texturing and lighting. Class assignments will cover more complex models, environments, and vehicle creations. Students will start building a portfolio of finished assignments that cover a wide range of the entertainment industry; for game design, animation and the film industry. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 107 F Digital Drawing

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and DART 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course encompasses the use of digital-based software applications combined with digital drawing tablets and touch sensitive digital monitors. This course also prepares the student to meet industry standards and requirements for working digitally inside entertainment art production companies. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 108 F Digital Drawing - Dynamic Sketching

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 107 with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 100 F and ART 243 F and ART 182 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an accelerated digital drawing class applying in-depth acquisition of skill and technique demonstrated in digital drawing. This course covers essentials of draftsmanship combined with digital drawing applications Sketch Book Pro and Photoshop to conceptualize ideas from script. Emphasis on problem-solving skills, and abilities associated with designing from script, to finished conceptual sketch. Focus is on the design process of translating ideation to finished projects, developed sketching for animators, illustrators and entertainment game designers. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 109 F Environmental Sketching

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 107 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an ideal foundation course for the art student wanting to learn sketching techniques used for creating and strengthening environmental sketching abilities. Foundation study will focus on designing while using perspective to create thumbnails and quick sketch visualizations. Students will be exposed to the steps required to take an idea from script, to thumbnail, to rough, to finished design. This is an ideal foundational class for the student wanting to pursue a career as a concept artist or digital painter inside entertainment. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 110 F Fundamentals of Character Design

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 107 F and DART 135 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to the basics of character design encompassing techniques and skills used within the creation of character development. Classroom exercises will focus on combining design principles, with perspective fundamentals to create characters for use within the fields of entertainment and commercial art. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 111 F Character Design

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 110 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 107 F and DART 135 F and ART 243 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is designed to move the student from the basics learned inside DART 110 F and introduce them to more complex character development encompassing the fields of animation and game design. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 112 F Vector Graphics

3 Units

Advisory: DART 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is a course that encompasses a basic study of digital tools to make vector-based visual art intended for publication. This course involves extensive hands-on use of the computer to build a portfolio and acquire the experience levels demanded by employers and clients. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 115 F Introduction to Prop Design (formerly ART 090AF)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 107 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to designing props. Props are objects that are used by a character during animation or gameplay. These objects consist of weaponry, vehicles, digital devices, military elements and portable objects. A prop designer is also responsible for incorporating the historical and mechanical significance of a show into the design process. Prop Design is an essential part of animation and game production, and is an entry-level position for students who want to start working in the entertainment industry. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 119 F Interior Sketching

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 107 F and DART 109 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an ideal follow-up course to DART 109 F, focusing on sketching techniques used for creating and strengthening interior environment sketching abilities. Interior sketching is used in the pre-production and production phase of development for game/animation/film production focusing on scene development, background design and level design. Students are advised to have a solid background in either perspective, pictorial illustration, or exterior sketching before taking this course. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 120 F 3D Modeling

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate modeling course focusing on more advanced 3D modeling assignments encompassing vehicle design, organic modeling, set development, and staging. The Autodesk Software application, Maya, will be used to demonstrate polygonal, nurb, and sub-division surface modeling techniques. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 121 F Futuristic Vehicle Design (formerly ACG 120 F)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 106 F and DART 135 F and ART 182 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate modeling course focusing on specific techniques and design theories for designing futuristic vehicles. Students will work from a traditional conceptual approach of thumbnails and rough sketches to create a final design that can then be modeled in the Maya 3D software application. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 123 F Introduction to 3D Texturing

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 100 F and DART 104 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an introduction course to 3D texturing using Adobe Photoshop and Allegorithmic's Substance Painter as the texturing software and Autodesk's Maya to preview and render images. The students will learn the terminology, research and digitally paint textures such as color, displacements, bumpiness and specularity, on 3D models used for animation, film, video games and consumer product. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 124 F 3D Texturing for Organic Characters

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F and DART 123 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate class on 3D texturing organic models using Allegorithmic's Substance Painter. The student will continue forward with 3D texturing use Substance Painter, focusing on expanded skills with set assignments, concentrating on texturing organic models. The students will learn how to create HDRI images for lighting, research and digitally recreate textures for humanoids and creatures used for animation, film, video games and consumer product. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 125 F 3D Texturing for Hard Surface Modeling

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F and DART 123 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate class on 3D texturing hard surface models using Allegorithmic's Substance Painter. The student will continue forward with 3D texturing using Substance Painter, focusing on expanded skills with set assignments, concentrating on texturing hard surface 3D model. The students will learn how to create HDRI images for lighting, research and digitally recreate textures for props and sets used for animation, film, video games and consumer product. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 132 F Digital Imaging I

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course instructs students to make and edit images using photo-editing and other raster graphics programs. Raster graphics is the technology of choice for continuous-tone artwork suitable for traditional print formats as well as newer electronic media such as web pages on the internet. Visually, raster images are often characterized by a photographic or painterly appearance. These programs are less appropriate for stylized, hard-edge material. This course covers leading photo-editing and manipulation software, with plenty of hands-on use of the computer to build a portfolio and acquire the experience levels demanded by employers and clients. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 133 F Marvelous Design I - Introduction to Cloth Simulation

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an introduction to cloth simulation using Marvelous Designer, one of the leading software used to create digital clothing simulations in the fashion, video game, engineering, science and entertainment industries that mimic the real-world properties of fabrics. Students learn to design and model digital clothing simluations using traditional pattern-making techniques such as sewing and stitching to acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in their chosen field. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 134 F Marvelous Designer II: Production Techniques

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 133 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an advanced level cloth simulation course using Marvelous Designer, one of the leading software in this field that mimics the real-world properties of fabrics. Students learn to design and model production-driven digital cloth simulations based on traditional pattern-making techniques such as sewing and stitching to acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in the fashion, video game, engineering, science and entertainment industries. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 135 F Introduction to Digital Painting

3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 F and DART 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to the Photoshop software application, the most commonly used application for digital painting within the entertainment industry. This course will focus on digital painting techniques within the Photoshop software application, and how it applies towards creating digital artwork. (CSU) (Digital Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 136 F Intermediate Digital Painting

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 135 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 107 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course continues forward painting with the Photoshop digital application focusing on expanded skill set assignments with emphasis on vehicle design, character creation and environmental design. Class assignments are geared around daily job requirements within the entertainment industry for gaming and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 137 F Advanced Digital Painting

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 136 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 107 F and DART 108 F and ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is based upon increasing a mastery of digital painting technique using the Photoshop application to create vehicle design, character creation, and environmental design. Class assignments are geared around daily job requirements within the entertainment industry for gaming and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 138 F Digital Painting for Production

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 107 F pr DART 136 with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 243 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to working and delivering production level artwork, adhering to industry standard in entertainment production. Students will be painting with the Photoshop digital application, focusing on advanced level assignments prepared by industry professionals. Assignments will focus upon MAYA digital render paint-overs, vehicle design, character creation, and environmental design. Class assignments are geared around daily job requirements within the entertainment industry for gaming and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 140 F Digital Publishing I

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course focuses on the use of computers as a design aid to generate "camera ready" page layouts, integrating graphics and text. Emphasis is on design of the page, use of the computer programs, and printing skills required for a finished product. Open lab work may be required to complete assignments. (CSU) (Degree Credit).

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 146 F Digital Publishing II

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course focuses on the use of advanced options of industry standard software as a design aid to generate "camera ready" page layouts. Emphasis is on developing experience in varied types and sizes of commercial projects. Open lab work may be required for completing assignments. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 148 F Introduction to Narrative Illustration

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 137 F or ART 182 F, with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 107 F and DART 135 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is designed to introduce the student to narrative illustration concepts incorporating traditional draftsmanship skill sets, combined with entertainment design skill sets, and digital software to produce narrative story illustrations for entertainment, animation, and storytelling careers. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 150 F 3D Computer Animation

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an intermediate study of the animation sub-menu tab in the Maya 3D software application. This course will focus on introducing the student to basics of 3D computer animation. The Maya software is commonly used within film, game and animation industries for creating animations, and special effects. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 151 F Introduction to Character Animation and Rigging

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F and DART 150 F with a grade of \C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an introductory course in rigging and animation, focusing in the movement of characters in 3D space using Autodesk's Maya, the leading software in the entertainment industry. The student will learn how to implement rigs and execute animation of characters in a 3D environment, interpreting the 12 Principals of Animation in the performance of their character's movements. Final animation renders will integrate additional media such as sound, to be used in a variety of visual media, from films, television, consumer products to video games. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 152 F Pre Visual Animation (formerly ACG 150 F)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 104 F and DART 150 F with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: ART 215 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an intermediate study in animation, focusing upon pre visual camera animation. Animating cameras and setting up scenes for pre visual animation requires an education in cinematography, story boarding, and timing. Pre visual animation has become a new position within the entertainment industry providing early solutions for games, movies, special effects, and television commercial productions. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 153 F Introduction to Digital Sculpting with ZBrush

3 Units

Advisory: DART 100 F and DART 104 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an introductory course in digital sculpting introducing the student to the Pixologic ZBrush 3D Digital Sculpting application. The ZBrush application can simulate traditional sculpting in clay to create high resolution digital sculpted models, and images for film, game, and animation productions. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 154 F Creature Sculpting with ZBrush

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 153 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: DART 100 F and DART 104 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate course in digital sculpting concentrating in Human and Creature Anatomy using Pixologic's ZBrush, a 3D digital sculpting software. ZBrush simulates traditional clay sculpting digitally, creating high-resolution models, which can then be rendered into images or models for the entertainment, consumer product and manufacturing industries. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 155 F Hard Surface Sculpting with ZBrush

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 153 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate course in digital sculpting concentrating in Hard Surface Digital Sculpting using Pixologic's ZBrush, a 3D Digital Sculpting application. ZBrush simulates traditional clay sculpting digitally, creating high-resolution models, which can then be rendered into images or models for the entertainment, consumer product and manufacturing industries. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 156 F 3D Printing Techniques with ZBrush

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 153 F with a grade of C or better.

Advisory: DART 100 F and DART 104 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate course in digital sculpting concentrating in using Pixologic's ZBrush, a 3D Digital Sculpting application, for 3D printing. ZBrush simulates traditional clay sculpting digitally, creating high-resolution models, which can then be exported to all types of Additive Process 3D printers to generate physical models for the entertainment, consumer product and manufacturing industries. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 157 F Introduction to 3D Printing and Fabrication

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. In this course, students will explore the different additive manufacturing processes of 3D printing, from 3D digital file manipulations using Autodesk's MeshMixer, file slicing and output for the creation of physical models, their refinement and presentation using traditional methods to create a finish piece for the entertainment, consumer product, medical/biotech, automotive and manufacturing industries. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 158 F Fusion 360 I - Introduction to Product Design

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course introduces students to the basics of computer-aided design, engineering, and manufacturing using Fusion 360 to create product design for the entertainment, transportation, medical and manufacturing industries. From sketching, drafting, modeling, simulations, animation and rendering, the students learn Fusion 360 based on extensive real-world examples, allowing them to acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in their chosen fields. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 159 F Fusion 360 II: Product Design Production Techniques

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 158 F with a grade of C or better.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course introduces students to advanced product design and production techniques using Fusion 360 to create products for the entertainment, transportation, medical and manufacturing industries. From sketching, drafting, modeling, simulations, animation and rendering, the students learn advanced product design production techniques based on extensive real-world examples, allowing them to acquire the experience levels necessary to advance in their chosen fields. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 161 F Body Dynamic for Character Animation with Maya

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 150 F and DART 151 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an intermediate course in character rigging and animation, focusing in body dynamics. In this class, students will continue to implement the movement-mechanics of characters in 3D space, in order to explore more in depth the action of forces to the body, forces such as gravity and weight, which are the foundations of the 12 Principles of Animation. Final animation renders will integrate additional media such as lighting and texturing, to be used in a variety of visual media, from films, television, consumer products to video games. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 162 F 2D Computer Animation

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is a study of digital tools to represent moving objects in 2D space. Students will learn how to create 2D computer animation. Final output may integrate additional media (sound, text, graphics, and video), and find distribution as CD-ROMs, webpages, complete websites, videos, cartoons, animated shorts, games, education, instructional training, and creative self-expression. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 164 F Interactive Multimedia Design

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course focuses on designing interactive multimedia presentations by integrating a variety of programs and media (sound, text, graphics and video). Final output may take the form of DVDs, CD-ROMs, websites, videos, cartoons, animated shorts, games, educational software and creative self-expression. Open lab work may be required to complete assignments. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 170 F Digital Photo Editing I

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course focuses on digital photography and the appropriate level usage of software for the manipulation of raster images for the development of fine art and photographic images appropriate for advertising design. Digital cameras, scanners, photo CDs, and video images provide the basis for image manipulation pushing to the extreme of digital photography. Course topics include camera selection, image enhancement, editing, compositing, retouching, photomontages, pre-press, color management, photo printing, color separations and service bureaus. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 171 F Facial Acting for Character Animation with Maya

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 151 F and DART 161 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course further develops the student's knowledge on the creation of rigs and animation-techniques for a character's acting, based on live-action recordings and the implementation of the 12 principles of Animation. The student will learn how to analyze video references, how to act, record and utilize their own footage as a guide for the rigging and animation of specific shops, concentrating on the acting of 3D characters in 3D environments to be used in a variety of visual media, from films, television, consumer products to video games. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 172 F Digital Image Editing II

3 Units

Advisory: DART 170 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course focuses on getting a good digital image and editing digital imagery and the usage of software for the manipulation of raster images for the development of fine art and photographic images appropriate for advertising design and digital media and art. Digital cameras, scanners, photo CDs, and video images provide the basis for image manipulation pushing to the extreme of digital photography. Course topics include equipment choices, image enhancement, editing, composing, retouching, photomontages, pre-press, color management, photo printing, color separations and service bureaus and methods of delivery. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 180 F Digital Video

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an examination of digital video editing techniques including the professional manipulation of sound and beginning motion graphics and compression techniques. This course includes the study and hands-on use of computers, assorted software, SDHC card-based digital video cameras, and other tools and techniques used for digitizing, editing and composition of video and audio sources. This course provides an in-depth exploration of digital video as used in the fields of multimedia, video/film, websites, DVD/Blu Ray disk creation, museum installations and video for cellular and mobile devices. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 181 F Advanced Digital Video

3 Units

Advisory: DART 180 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course builds on the basic editing skills learned in DART 180 F. This course is an examination of intermediate to advanced digital video editing techniques including the professional manipulation of sound. Video distribution includes multimedia video, online and offline video editing, interactive video inclusive websites, DVD/Blu Ray disk creation, video for cellular and mobile devices. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 182 F Motion Graphics and Special Effects

3 Units

Advisory: DART 180 F or two years experience with contemporary editing and compositing software or one year of professional industry experience in editing and/or motion graphics

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course builds on the basic editing skills learned in DART 180 F. This course is an introduction to motion graphics, digital composition, sound design and special effects for multimedia, 2D, 3D space digital video, installations and mobile devices. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 195 F Production Design for Entertainment - Eastern Civilizations

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 109 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 107 F and DART 135 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to environmental-production design techniques for entertainment focusing on the architectural development of Eastern civilizations, and their influence upon production-design for film, games, and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 196 F Production Design for Entertainment: Western Civilizations

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 109 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 107 F and DART 135 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to environmental-production design techniques for entertainment focusing on the architectural development of Western civilizations, and their influence upon production design for film, games and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 197 F Production Design for Entertainment - Early Science Fiction

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 109 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 107 F and DART 135 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to "environment-production" design techniques for entertainment focusing inside the history of early science fiction. Students will examine the historical architecture used within the development of the early science fiction genre relating towards film, games, and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

DART 198 F Production Design for Entertainment: Late Science Fiction

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): DART 109 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: ART 243 F and DART 107 F and DART 135 F

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course will introduce the student to "environmental-production" design techniques for entertainment focusing inside the history of late science fiction. Students will examine the historical architecture used within the development of the late science fiction genre relating towards film, games, and animation. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX: Graphic Design

GRFX 100 F Graphic Design I (formerly ART 140 F)

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an introductory course in advertising and graphic design with an emphasis on communication through use of concepts, type and images. Includes development of layout and computer skills, style and an introduction to logotype design, publication design and design concepts. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 120 F Typography I (formerly ART 141 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course focuses on the use of type and typography in print and digital graphic design and prepares students to meet industry standards in the design and advertising industries. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 150 F Graphic Design II (formerly ART 147 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F or DART 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an advanced course in a study of methods and techniques used in producing advertising and design projects. Areas emphasized are electronic pre-press, typography and commercial printing methods. This course is oriented specifically to the needs of graphic design students. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 151 F History of Graphic Design (formerly ART 138 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F or DART 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course explores the history of graphic design from the nineteenth century to present day. In addition to studying historical design trends, students will also produce design projects based on specific vintage styles. This course is taught in the computer lab and utilizes the Adobe Creative Suite of software. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 160 F Publication Design (formerly ART 145 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an advanced course with emphasis on the design of publications such as brochures and magazine layouts to simulate real world assignments. Finished comprehensive projects will be created on the computer to a professional quality suitable for inclusion in a student's portfolio. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 170 F Typography II (formerly ART 241 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 120 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an advanced course in the use of type and typography in the production of logos and branding, advertising and publications across both print and digital platforms. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 200 F Graphic Design III

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F or GRFX 150 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course continues the study of the concepts and processes of GRFX 150 F. Conceptual problem-solving skills and the creative design process are emphasized through use of imagery, type and layout. Students will explore various problem-solving strategies using the Adobe Creative Suite of software. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 230 F Advertising Design (formerly ART 146 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an advanced level course with emphasis on design for advertising. The assignments are intended to simulate real world experience and may include advertising campaigns, posters, and billboards. Finished comprehensive projects will be created on the computer to a professional quality suitable for inclusion in a student's portfolio. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 240 F Packaging Design (formerly ART 148 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This is an advanced level course with emphasis on design for packaging. The assignments are intended to simulate real world experience and will include designing for a range of 3D surfaces. Finished comprehensive projects will be created on the computer to a professional quality. Students will be introduced to basic digital photography concepts for recording their work and creating images suitable for portfolio inclusion. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 250 F Graphic Design IV

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F or GRFX 150 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course continues the study of the concepts and processes of GRFX 200 Graphic Design III. Areas emphasized include 2D and 3D design with and introduction to new media. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

GRFX 270 F UI-UE User Experience Design (formerly ART 142 F)

3 Units

Advisory: GRFX 100 F.

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course covers skill development in user experience and interface design process including selecting interfaces that are meaningful to users and relative to a project’s content and delivery system. Emphasis on aesthetic issues such as iconography, screen composition, colors, and typography. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025: