Jazz Cadre Concert

Jazz Cadre Concert

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 - Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

About the Event

The Jazz Cadré is comprised from the full time and adjunct jazz faculty of Fullerton College. Collectively, the members of the Jazz Cadré have amassed an array of honors and international acclaim. Between them there are over a dozen commercially available CD's. In 2011, the band recorded a DVD (in concert and behind the scenes) from the Campus Theatre. All of them perform regularly and believe in bringing music industry standards and expectations to the students of Fullerton College. Jazz Cadré Personnel: Jamie Shew - Vocalist/Composer/Arrange, Bruce Babad - Woodwinds/Composer/Arranger, Mike Scott - Guitar/Composer/Arranger, Jeremy Siskind - Piano/Composer/Arranger, Dave Miller - Bass and Matt Johnson - Drums

Media & Resources

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